The APSSLH is a professional organization for researchers and practitioners around the world who are interested in speech, language, and hearing topics related to Asia Pacific languages and populations as well as the development of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology professions in Asia Pacific Regions.


APSSLH strives to work for the benefits of Asian and Pacific individuals with speech, language, hearing, and swallowing disorders, and aims to empower and support Asian and Pacific speech-language pathology and audiology professionals in the world.

APSSLH will:

  • Build a supportive society for researchers and practitioners who are interested in Asian Pacific issues of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • Encourage research and provide education in the fields of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing disorders to acquire new knowledge and skills for those within the discipline.
  • Promote international recognition for professionals and scientists working in the field of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing disorders as a special and distinct field.
  • Provide continuing education for professionals who can contribute to evaluation, management of the speech, language, hearing, and swallowing disorders.
  • Inform the public about communication sciences and disorders, related disorders, and the professionals who provide services.
  • Advocate on behalf of underserved populations with communication and related disorders.

Bylaws and other information are not available at this time.